CSR : Labour Practices Create Workplace Where Employees Can Work Flexibly with Diversity

Approaches to labour practices

"Valuing and investing in our people" is a key element of the Fujitsu General Group's business management policy, firmly grounded in the belief that the foundation of our company is the employees. We seek to maximize the potential of our people by creating a workplace where employees can pursue a healthy lifestyle while taking on new challenges without sacrificing their diversity.

Approaches to labour practices

Key initiatives

Diversity & inclusion

Promoting women in the company

As part of our promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion, Fujitsu General Group is working on creating an organizational culture in which all employees can play an active role regardless of gender. In particular, we are focusing on the active participation of women.

We believe that the success of women is indispensable for the growth of the company and the creation of innovation. In order to eliminate any situation in which gender is a barrier, we have conducted interviews at workplaces and with women themselves to ascertain the reality, conducted improvement measures, held roundtable discussions with female External Directors, and conducted training for mid-level women employees. Currently, in line with our new action plan (see below), we are actively promoting motivated and capable women in order to enhance the empowerment of female employees.

◇ Fujitsu General (non-consolidated) Action Plan Second Phase (from FY2021 to FY2026) in line with "Act on Promotion of Female Participation, etc."

1) Promote a total of 15 or more new female employees to newly appointed managerial and leadership positions (Grade L).

2) Increase the ratio of male employees taking childcare leave or paternity leave to 100%.

3) Increase the rate of childcare leave taken by men (full-time employees) to 70% or more.

4) Increase the average number of days of childcare leave taken by men (full-time employees) to six weeks (42 days).

Sexual minorities (LGBTQ+)

Knowing about sexual minorities (LGBTQ+), which encompass a diverse range of "sexualities," not only prevents discrimination and harassment, but is also part of Fujitsu General's DE&I vision, and contributes to putting into practice the SDGs and our Corporate Philosophy. A workplace that is inclusive of LGBTQ+ people creates an environment whose members can flourish without restrictions, embrace diverse values, and grow by leveraging their strengths. Accordingly, we have been promoting understanding and spreading awareness among employees, including e-learning related to LGBTQ+ in FY2022, and focusing on LGBTQ+ in human rights training in FY2023.

Re-employment after retirement

We provide a place where those who wish to continue working after the mandatory retirement age of 60 years can work until the age of 65, and those people take on the roles of training younger employees and passing on interpersonal networks and technical expertise, among other roles.

Recruiting foreign employees

In Japan, the Fujitsu General Headquarters also recruits foreign nationals.

Promoting foreign nationals as managers at overseas locations

Fujitsu General Group has been appointing human resources with management responsibilities from local employees at overseas bases.

Labor-Management Relations

The Fujitsu General Group has entered into a collective agreement with Fujitsu General Workers Union (union shop system) established in 1955, under the umbrella of the Japanese Electrical Electronic & Information Union and the Federation of All Fujitsu Workers' Unions, with mutual respect for their positions. The agreement stipulates the importance of communication between labor-management, such as "Establishment of Labor Council at Headquarters and Production Council at plants and other business sites for the purpose of mutual communication between labor-management and to maintain and improve labor productivity." The Central Labor Council and the Fall Labor Council, attended by the President and other corporate officers, are held regularly each year. In addition, the Labor and Production Councils are held as necessary to explain management policies, business conditions, and business reorganization to employees, and to discuss various working conditions and improvements in the workplace environment.

Based on the union democracy, our Group fully cooperates with Fujitsu General Workers' Union, which is striving to enhance labor-management communication at all levels in order to make Fujitsu General Group a more "attractive, trusted and reliable company" in the eyes of customers, society and union members. At the same time, we are striving to maintain and improve sound and good labormanagement relations through constructive dialogue based on mutual respect.

A scene from the Central Labor Council meeting

A scene from the Central Labor Council meeting

Relevant Information (Links)

Fujitsu General Group White Paper on Health (JP website/Japanese)

  • Fujitsu General Group's Declaration of Employee Wellness
  • Positioning and promotion system
  • Promotion plan of health and productivity management